Huiyi (Cheryl) Wang

McGill University


MD 459

817 Sherbrooke St W

Montreal, Quebec

I am currently a Ph.D. student at McGill University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Guillaume Durandau and Prof. Jozsef Kovecses. I am also a member of MyoSuite since Sep 2023.

Previously, I obtained a M.Sc in Physics at Trottier Space Institute (TSI) with Prof. Nicolas Cowan and Prof. Eve J. Lee. I completed a B.S with College Honors and Departmental Highest Honors at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) with Prof. Smadar Naoz.

My primary area lies in neuromusculoskeletal simulations. Specifically, I am focusing on using reinforcement learning (RL) to recreate nature human gaits such as walking and balance by controlling muscle activations. Our research stands on the intersection of healthcare, machine learning and mechanical actuating.


Aug 20, 2024 My research titled A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Assessing Standing Balance in Sarcopenia was selected as an oral presentation at the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Come find me and chat more!
Jul 25, 2024 MyoChallenge ‘24 is officially released! Come check out the tutorials and baselines and compete to win the challenge.
Jun 1, 2024 I started a new position as a student intern at the National Research Council Canada focusing on automated robotics arm in chemistry lab.
Jan 15, 2024 The MyoSuite Hugging Face Space Demo is online!
Dec 16, 2023 MyoChallenge Workshop (MyoSymposium’23) NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans.

selected publications

  1. APJ
    Gravitational-wave Signatures from Compact Object Binaries in the Galactic Center
    Huiyi Wang, Alexander P. Stephan, Smadar Naoz, and 2 more authors
    The Astrophysical Journal, Aug 2021