
Aug 20, 2024 My research titled A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Assessing Standing Balance in Sarcopenia was selected as an oral presentation at the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Come find me and chat more!
Jul 25, 2024 MyoChallenge ‘24 is officially released! Come check out the tutorials and baselines and compete to win the challenge.
Jun 1, 2024 I started a new position as a student intern at the National Research Council Canada focusing on automated robotics arm in chemistry lab.
Jan 15, 2024 The MyoSuite Hugging Face Space Demo is online!
Dec 16, 2023 MyoChallenge Workshop (MyoSymposium’23) NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans.
Aug 31, 2023 I graduated as a M.Sc in McGill, Physics and joined the Department of Engineering at McGill.