GW Signals

Gravitational Wave Signals from the Center of the Galaxy

In this project, I generated a population synthesis of a million systems using a binary evolution code, Compact Object Synthesis, and Monte Carlo Investigation Code (COSMIC), which accounts for parameters such as stellar wind and common envelope. By investigating the dynamics of those binaries under the gravitational influence of a supermassive black hole, we provided a proof-of-concept of the potential number of visible sources due to compact object binaries via the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and LIGO/Virgo.

Figure 5 from Wang. et al (2021), showing the number of potential visible Black Hole Binaries using the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) with a background metalicity of 0.003 (left) or 0.02 (right).

Expanding beyond previous studies, we have shown that black hole binaries and white dwarf binaries are the most prominent sources of GW via the Eccentric Kozai-Lidov-induced merger channel.